You are viewing documentation for Kubeflow 0.2
This is a static snapshot from the time of the Kubeflow 0.2 release.
For up-to-date information, see the latest version.
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of
experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance,
race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
The Kubeflow community is guided by our Code of
which we encourage everybody to read before participating.
Who should consider contributing to Kubeflow?
- Folks who want to add support for other ML frameworks (e.g. PyTorch, XGBoost, scikit-learn, etc…)
- Folks who want to bring more Kubernetes magic to ML (e.g. ISTIO integration for prediction)
- Folks who want to make Kubeflow a richer ML platform (e.g. support for ML pipelines, hyperparameter tuning)
- Folks who want to tune Kubeflow for their particular Kubernetes distribution or Cloud
- Folks who want to write tutorials/blog posts showing how to use Kubeflow to solve ML problems
For more details on contributing please look at Contributing to Kubeflow.